Assurena Insurance Agency is an independent insurance brokerage agency that carries some of the best coverage options in the entire New USA.

Our Contacts

88 Centre Street North,
Toronto L4W 1C9
+1 (419)-507-0468
+1 (213)-345-0468

Working Hours

9.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 4.00

Higher Education (567)

Safety Groups For Institutions Of Higher Learning

Do You Qualify For The Most Competitive Workers' Compensation Solution In New York?

Get A No Obligation Quote from Associated Safetygroup Management

Associated Safetygroup Management is dedicated to the administration of workers’ compensation programs including safety groups for institutions of higher education.  We address all areas of workers’ compensation that impact our clients’ final cost.

Call us to get a Quote

Call: 631-271-0041

We know that workers’ comp is one of many business expenses you have to consider. Joining a safety group can help you maximize your savings through premium discounts and group dividends.

Associated Safety Group Management (ASM) is dedicated to the administration of workers’ compensation programs including safety groups for institutions of higher education.  We address all areas of workers’ compensation that impact our clients’ final cost.

Call us to get a quote

Call: 631-271-0041

Safety Group Services include, but are not limited to, the following services as part of their group membership.

Claims Administration
  • Claims consultation throughout the claim process.
  • Medical bill review experts to reduce claim medical costs.
  • Identify, expose fraudulent claims and report to the WC Board.
  • Conduct client claim reviews to identify improper reserve amounts.
  • Assist you during the challenging audit process to minimize your premium.
  • Review payroll classifications to optimize premium.
  • Furnish a certificate of insurance within the same day.
  • Review eligibility for the “Pay as you go” program.
Loss Control
  • Complete review of current loss control programs.
  • Review new programs to determine their value.
  • Code rule 59 implementation, if necessary.
  • Monitor the insurance carrier’s loss control activities and services.

To participate in the Higher Education Safety Group (567) your entity must be a school, university, or college operating at levels above the 12th grade. This section is not open to School Districts, high schools, or elementary schools. The lead class codes for this group are 8868 and 9101.

Click the button to see the last five years of dividends paid back to its members for this group.

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Get Answers From Our Experts

Why should you consider an ASM Managed Safety Group?

Our staff is made up of experts who apply years of experience in various fields including claims, underwriting, policy management and safety.  These diverse backgrounds allow us to focus on the specific needs of our clients. We are experts specializing in institutions of higher learning and their specific workers’ compensation needs.